Leveling Valves are used to add or remove air from the suspension bags to maintain a constant design height. They are tested to ensure air-pressure build-up, leakage and valve functionality.
Getting the right size for your leveling valve is key!
The effective discharge area (EDA) is a critical factor in sizing pressure relief valves. It's calculated as the Set Pressure plus a 10% overpressure.
Choosing the correct set point for your relief valve is also important. Generally, it shall not be set higher than the maximum allowable working pressure of the vessel/equipment being protected.

However, if the process conditions are unstable, it is acceptable to use a lower relief pressure setting than this. Using a lower relief setting will help prevent immature activation of your relief valve, which can be dangerous to the equipment being protected.
Sizing a relief valve requires a few things to be considered: Backpressure, Service, Discharge Capacity and Inlet Pressure Losses. These are calculated and incorporated into the relevant equations in ProMax to determine the appropriate size of your relief valve.
Using a leveling valve to control the ride height of your truck is a great way to keep the suspensions properly aligned and ensure the proper operation of the vehicle. A properly sized leveling valve is designed to meet the needs of your specific application and is rated to handle the flowrate you need it to operate.